Here is an updated schedule for tonight's Wrestling duals in Alcester: 5:00 Main Gym Mat #1 BAH v. MCM | 6:15 Main Gym Mat #2 Wagner v. MCM | 7:30 Main Gym Mat #1 BAH v. Wagner
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Heisinger
Elementary students love when it’s nice enough to go outside for recess!
almost 5 years ago, Kim Peterson
Great outdoors
Parkston has cancelled their Boys Basketball Classic for this year and we were unable to find a date to reschedule with Corsica-Stickney. The boys basketball team will now be playing at Madison on Thursday, January 30th. 5:00 pm - C | 6:15 pm - JV | Varsity to follow
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Heisinger
Our boys basketball game against Corsica-Stickney at the Parkston Classic scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed. There is no make-up date set yet.
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Heisinger
The 8th grade boys basketball tournament at Sioux Valley on Saturday has been cancelled.
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Heisinger
The boys basketball game scheduled for tomorrow against Sioux Valley has been postponed to Friday, February 21st in Montrose.
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Heisinger
Our Girls Basketball game at the Hanson Classic is postponed to Monday, January 20. MCM will play STM at 4:30 pm in Mitchell.
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Heisinger
Due to the forecast, we will not be participating in the Philip Invitational Dual Wrestling Tournament on Friday.
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Heisinger
Due to the forecast, the Boys C Team Jamboree scheduled for Saturday morning, January 18 in Montrose has been cancelled.
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Heisinger
December Champions of Character for Middle School and High School selected for being caring.
almost 5 years ago, Kim Peterson
MS Champions of Character
HS Champions of Character
Tonight's 7-8 Girls Basketball game will no longer be played at the same time. We will now play 7th at 4:00, followed by the 8th. Both games will be in the Middle School gym at Tri-Valley.
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Heisinger
Our girls basketball team will be playing St. Thomas More at the Hanson Classic at 5:30 pm.
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Heisinger
Today’s boys basketball game at the Parkston Classic has been postponed due to the weather.
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Heisinger
Due to the impending storm, the boys basketball game on Monday at Parkston has been changed slightly. We will now play the second game of the day starting at approximately 2:30 against Corsica-Stickney.
about 5 years ago, Jeff Heisinger
MCM Basketball orders have arrived and can be picked up in Mrs. Painter's office.
about 5 years ago, Jeff Heisinger
Thank you to Miss Randall we enjoyed having you at Montrose School! Good luck!
about 5 years ago, Kim Peterson
Miss Randall’s going away party
Here is a link to the K-12 Christmas Concert starting at 7:00 pm on Thursday night:
about 5 years ago, Jeff Heisinger
6th graders are practicing their teamwork skills in counseling class.
about 5 years ago, Kim Kappenman
Working together
They are not giving up.
Slow and steady!
Don’t forget to order your rolls or donuts by Friday, December 13th! Forms can be found in Miss Kruse’s room, Mrs. Painter’s office, and online. Student Council will be serving them on December 20th and we’re looking forward to seeing you then!
about 5 years ago, Chelsea Kruse
Student Council Roll Fundraiser
Our 7-8 GBB game on Tuesday, Dec. 3 at Beresford will start at 4:30 pm.
about 5 years ago, Jeff Heisinger